Here at Educause 2009 in Denver, I’m finding myself once again feeling left out because I don’t have an iPhone. An application with all of the program information (you don’t have to pick up one of the paper booklets, perhaps) is available, and everyone I talk to just keeps asking me if I have an iPhone.
No, I don’t, and I don’t think I should keep getting left out even by Eduause, of all groups, because of it.
Please note that I in no way think that Educause is doing this purposely – the iPhone is an extremely common platform and it makes a tremendous amount of sense to build an app for that. And I have yet to run into anyone that has asked me “do you have an iPhone?” or “are you using the iPhone app?” that has had a hint of judgment upon hearing my answer.
But there is an almost oppressive emphasis on using the iPhone at this conference.
I mean, I can use twitter (search, post, etc – va uberTwitter), post to facebook, tag people in photos, etc with my Blackberry. If mine had a camera (it’s a “business” model), then I could even doing twitpic, too. Or post to FB’s mobile uploads. I am more connected to my university’s systems with my Blackberry than I ever could be with an iPhone (due to our infrastructure).
So why I do feel diminished in some way here, at this great sharing of knowledge and ideas, because I don’t have a particular phone?